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Greatest Invention Ever - The Dissolving Bikini

Greatest Invention Ever - The Dissolving Bikini

alien_concept (Member Profile)

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Milton Glaser on design

Anyone else having an issue visiting VideoSift for Vampires? (Fail Talk Post)

Man With Assault Rifle At Pres. Obama event

Mum Tasered In Front Of Kids, Arrested. Kids Left In Vehicle

deputydog says...

smooman, you're fucking hilarious.

'she actually makes a threatening advance with a very aggressive posture towards the officer'.

where? tell me the exact second it begins because i sure as hell can't see it. you know what aggressive means, right?

the rest of your reasoning is equally as absurd.

i'm just glad your job doesn't involve carrying a weapon aroun... oh wait... fuck.

Hey, Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan!

blankfist (Member Profile)

deputydog says...

i believe originally the word was used to describe an alcoholic. however i, like most british people these days, refuse to respect intention and use it when labelling a cuntish person. i imagine a tosspot to be as you mentioned: a dirty ceramic bowl, full to the brim with spunk. probably overflowing.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
What the hell is a tosspot? LOL! I like it, and in some ways I think I can imagine what it is, but when I jerk off it's not in a pot. Maybe tosssock would be better? Or tosstissue? I dunno. Maybe I'm missing the meaning.

The Largest Street Gang in America

deputydog says...

although one of the most infuriating videos i've ever watched, to the extent where i actually wanted to cry all over my cat at points, it's important to note that this is basically 'The Best Of... Police Corruption' set to spooky music

a small percentage of human beings are fucking scumbags with no morals or respect for others, and very little brainpower; creatures who spend their lives tearing people to pieces for personal gain and hulk-smashing all that gets in their way. unfortunately, as with all professions, some of these slip through the screening process and end up fucking us all up the poop-chute whilst also wearing a police uniform, permanently warm taser in fist. they're just scumbags with badges and not the norm.

the real problem, as fuckfist points out, is at the top of the tree. the weasels that supposedly overlook the system on our behalf with as much competence as a wet fart, so precious about their targets that they turn a blind eye to all the bad eggs rolling around their basket in favour of a better report card for the year. who's watching them? fucking no-one. and that's why they continue to sit back, sign a few pieces of paper and play with their little winkles as their bank accounts fill with public money.

it's not the people on the ground i have the major problem with, although the cuntish minority as displayed in the video are beyond exasperating: it's the honchos who have the ability to (relatively) instantly make the changes necessary in order to better the system but either can't be bothered putting their necks on the line or are simply so incompetent that they wouldn't know how. get someone with both brain and balls at the summit and eventually the majority of these mindless scumbag cops - the twats that everyday people encounter - will have a hard time either staying in the force or getting there in the first place.

saying all that, i'm not dissing this video at all. it needs to be seen by as many as possible, as do all these violent cop clips, in an effort to instigate some kind of change. it just bugs me that we can't get footage of the commissioners/chiefs causing more damage in a plush office somewhere, from the comfort of their desks, bent phallus in hand.

Members who haven't returned post-Siftapocalypse (History Talk Post)

Mum Tasered In Front Of Kids, Arrested. Kids Left In Vehicle

deputydog says...

>> ^rougy:
Though I don't like what happened, she really should have shut her mouth and stayed in her car.

the fact of the matter is, she did attempt to get back in the car after the initial reluctance. the fucking pathetic excuse for a cop then got her back out and shot volts through her, all because she didn't respect his authority for a few seconds. using a taser should be the last fucking resort, not punishment for disobeying an officer who can't take some lip from someone. if she'd been exiting the car wielding a machete i'd think differently about his obviously retarded actions.

what a tosspot.

Gentlemen Broncos. Trailer

Mum Tasered In Front Of Kids, Arrested. Kids Left In Vehicle

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