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It lurks... (Blog Entry by uhohzombies)

Bill Maher Stand Up - Rap Translations

Sift Up Anyone? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Fedquip says...

There are a few of us here in BC, I'm in Victoria which is a bus and ferry ride away from Vanc, (a 6hr round trip) not too familiar with the city. If a Vancity sifter chimes in with some plans, i'll be down!

A plea for amnesty (Humanitarian Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

I never understood why or how a troll wields so much power and fame within this community, he maybe an internet artist and an icon to some of you, but he's driven many away from the sift (myself included) with his two faced comments (loves you one minute, insults you the next) he is likely responsible for more people leaving the sift then staying. But I'm just another random user, I could be wrong.

Google Knols (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Fedquip says...

Knol pages are already appearing in Google Search above or near the wikipedia results of the same topic, in under a week. Interesting considering Google continues to say they don't plan on being a content website, but this kinda goes against that. Since google search results are now filling up with YouTube (owned by google now) and Knol results it has started to cause some displeasure from many of their Partners who count on google to deliver traffic to their websites, now google is taking that traffic for themselves. Makes you wonder.

Drudge calls Michael Ware a Drunk Anti War activist

Fedquip says...

He's a reporter not a soldier, shouldnt we expect reports from Both Sides of the war zone? If he somehow got access to hang out with terrorist snipers what would expect him to do? Again, I don't think Ware was actually reporting from the terrorist side, that would be ground breaking access, I think you, choggie are misunderstanding the narration as if Ware was actually with the sniper, but in fact he is just reporting what happened.

Either way, there seem to only be a handful of reporters who have been reporting from the War Zone, it doesn't surprise me that you hate them for doing so

CBS Edits McCain Gaffe Out of Broadcast (w/original video)

Rome - The Battle of Philippi

National Geographic Channel Presents The Human Footprint

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Fox News on Donkey Punch/Angry Pirate

One of the greatest rants ever in a movie.

Fox News in the future - from the excellent film "Idiocracy"

If this isn't *eia, NOTHING IS.

Save me Jebus!

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